How to Welcome a Beginner Into the Outdoors

Most of us have a favorite outdoor hobby and whether that hobby be hiking, biking, rafting, or anything in between, at one point we were all beginners. It is never easy to be a beginner at anything but when you add high risk it can be an extremely intimidating environment. Between equiptment, etiquette, and technique, there is a lot to learn when it comes to outdoor sports. And if we’re all being honest, there can be a lot of gatekeeping as well. For all of these reasons and more, it can be very hard for a beginner to break into a new sport. But, once on the inside, the community and experiences created can be life-changing. Furthermore, having an outdoor sport or hobby fuels our passion for protecting public spaces (such as the Kern River).

The easiest way for a beginner to learn a new sport is to have a solid friend who is enthusiastic about showing them the ropes. Hopefully, you can be that person for someone as it will be a rewarding experience for all involved.

The first step in welcoming someone to a new sport is to explain equipment and etiquette. Many sports have a lot of gear that will be foreign to a beginner. Be sure to introduce and properly explain each piece of equipment. It is helpful to explain the basics for a sport, rather than diving in head first. Having a basic understanding makes it slightly less intimidating. Also, be sure to start slow. Don’t just throw everything you know at them right away. Give them some helpful tips, then let them have time to digest and practice that information before telling them more.

Most importantly, have patience and empathy. Everyone learns at a different pace and you cannot expect a beginner to be good at something right away. Even if something is easy for you, remove your ego and let them celebrate each small accomplishment.

Having an encouraging community is a huge deal in outdoor sports. Help your beginner friend find local groups, classes, or introduce them to the connections you have made in the outdoor world. Having a supportive group of people who share a passion for a sport can be extremely encouraging when learning a new sport, especially if you do not fit the stereotype for that sport.

As a role model to a beginner, be sure to take that job seriously and model positive characteristics for that person to continue making the outdoor community a better, more inclusive space. Lastly, stay positive and encouraging throughout the entire process. Learning a new sport is challenging and never linear. There will be many setbacks along the way. Truly, outdoor sports are challenging no matter if you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro. Mindset can make or break any outdoor activity. Remember to stay positive and encourage beginners to challenge themselves in hard situations. Being in the outdoors and the community that one finds there is extremely rewarding. Personally, it has led me on many great adventures and fueled my passion for conserving the wild spaces that I have the honor of exploring.

So, next time a friend or even a stranger expresses interest in an outdoor sport that you enjoy, invite them on your next excursion and help them fall in love with the great outdoors. Cheers!

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